If life in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life in danger call Triple Zero 000

Young People

“To be honest, I didn't know how to bring it up in person. So I sent him a message and asked him what was going on cause he wasn't himself and I was starting to get really worried about him. He started, you know, not really talking to anyone or hanging out with our normal friendship group and not being himself in class. So yeah, I felt something was up and sure enough, it was.” Ashleigh speaks about the importance of reaching out in Lifeline's Holding on to Hope podcast – Oliver’s story

For many people mental health concerns emerge during the teenage and early adulthood years.  Due to all the changes young people experience it can sometimes be difficult to know when to be concerned or how to manage.

For younger people there can often be barriers to seeking support due to feelings of isolation, not feeling understood or the gravity of their concerns being dismissed, not knowing where or how to seek support and not knowing who to speak to. Having a safe space to express worries, feelings and concerns can be beneficial to work through difficulties, increase connectedness and confidence and feel heard.  

Experiences and signs you or a young person you know may need support

  • Feeling as though no one understands
  • Feeling helpless or worthless
  • Showing signs or thoughts of self-harm
  • Drastic mood changes
  • Engaging in risk-taking behaviour such as using alcohol and other substances
  • Rapid changes in performance at school or university
  • Bullying
  • Relationship difficulties with friends and/or family
  • Describing feelings of being lost, unsure of themselves and their identity
  • Previous suicide attempts or suicidal ideation
  • Expressing negative thoughts, such as ‘people would be better off without me’

If you, or a young person you know is struggling, please call Lifeline to speak to a trained Crisis Supporter on 13 11 14 (24 hours / 7 days) or text Lifeline on 0477 13 11 14 (24 hours / 7 days) or chat online (24 hours / 7 days). We are here to listen.

Support services and resources

Your GP

Seeing a GP can be a great start in getting professional help and creating a mental health plan, with Medicare rebates available. If you need to find a GP, use our Service Finder.

Visit: Service finder

Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Visit: Kids Helpline
Call: 1800 55 1800


Headspace provides tailored and holistic mental health support to 12 - 25 year olds. With a focus on early intervention, they work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health in the future.

Visit: headspace

Reach Out

Reachout provides online mental health support, tools and resources for young people and their parents.

Visit: Reach Out

Smiling Mind App

A program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to people’s lives through mindfulness

Visit: Download the app

The Brave Program

A free online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. BRAVE Self-Help Program (uq.edu.au)

Visit: Brave Program website

Holding on to Hope - Oliver's Story

“The funny one of the group...”

“Always having a smile on…”

“Bit of a larrikin…” These are just some of the ways Oliver Heywood’s friends describe him. Oliver who, at first glance, is the last person you’d imagine would suffer from depression.

Listen as Oliver and his friends, Liam, Connor, Melissa and Ashleigh share their journey of understanding and the importance of staying connected.